Favourite song with summer in the title or the lyrics (give the line): School’s Out (for Summer) – Alice Cooper. This song never fails to invoke memories of passionate rebellion, the details of which must forever remain hidden. Favourite book about summer: Any holiday brochure covering the luxuary end of the market--admitedly not strictly a book, but if the weather is all I remember about a story, then I sure as hell didn't enjoyed reading it. Favourite hot summer film: Ice Cold in Alex Favourite summer memory: Though I could outrun, out climb and out punch most boys, I will forever relish the satisfaction of donning a bikini (aged 14) to prove (contrary to popular opinion), that I was indeed female and had the 'assets' to prove it. Oh, and making tar babies--you know, when its so hot the tarmac bubbles and oozes and you get to roll the resulting thick black gloop into marble shapes and stick them together. I made entire tribes and never once went down with flu. Favourite summer holiday destination: South of France, every time! What books will be in your suitcase this summer? As an impulse buyer, you’re guess is as good as mine, but my summer will be complete should I stumble across a series containing a minimum of eight smoking hot reads. (Recommendations welcome by the way--I've exhausted, J R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Christine Feehan, Lara Adrian and Stephanie Laurens' Cynster series). BUT Shehanne Moore's His Judas Bride will most certainly head the list if it's available. What’s your likely destination this summer? In truth…the back garden (subject to a full and thorough eviction of the slow-worms) What hottie would you most like to be sharing the hot days and long nights with his summer? Well, Josh Holloway is just plumb tired out, and Ian Somerholder has other distractions, so I'm easy, as long as he possesses the following levels of hotness: There that was relatively painless (though I sure would like to know how I managed to erase spell check from this programme). To my fellow nominees, rules of the award are as follows:
1. Display Summer Sun Award logo and link back to the blog of the person who nominated you. 2. Answer the questions as listed above. 3. Nominate a further lucky eight receipients (one for each sunray on the picture. Good Luck! Shehanne Moore Jessica Baker Meg McNulty JM Stewart Aurelia B Rowl Alison Lodge Louise Rose-Innes Fiona Chapman
Shehanne Moore
7/12/2013 04:49:37 am
Way to go Incy. Boy am I loving the replies. Ice Cold In Alex. Man I LOVE that scene. AND School's Out. Yes!! I promise to keep it decent.... Thank you for the nomination
Incy Black
7/12/2013 05:03:08 am
Shey, please don't keep your answers decent on my know I'd much rather have the truth. Actually I double nominate you. I would like to see Lady Fury respond to the questions too. (Good luck with the music one ;) x
Incy Black
7/15/2013 03:34:55 am
Yes Meg, funny how you have to pinch components to find the perfect man (and that's before you get down to personality) 7/14/2013 07:59:38 pm
Incy, congratulations on winning one of the most prestigious awards! Love the responses. :-)
Incy Black
7/15/2013 03:35:41 am
Thanks Noelle xx Comments are closed.
Hard Men the Hard Way
November 2017