Blame Jane Hunt, not me. She nominated me for a Jolly Lobster Award--a reward (questionable) for those providing fun and community by blogging. The rules, thankfully, are simple:
Interesting 'love' fact about lobsters: To mate, the female chooses the male in his den, usually after checking out many male dens (The hussy). The male usually accepts and let the female in (Every knock on the door is an opportunity). She molts (sheds off her hard shell, becoming powerless) and stays in the male’s den and under his protection for about a week. Within a week, mating is over and her new shell has grown. (Wow, I could write a book around the mating ritual of the lobster--excited. And now for the questions:
Have you ever written a book involving sea scenes? If not why not and do you intend to? That would be a yes. In Hard to Hold, a floating, private asylum is featured. In Hard to Forget, Jack stares moodily out to sea, and in Hard to Chase, (WIP), I'm not yet sure about a sea scene, but it does rain a lot. 2 What is your current WIP? Hard to Chase: a sexy thriller in which the Administration covertly play footloose with the lives of frontline troops, and featuring a frigid (hardly!) psychotherapist, and a too-randy-for-his-own-good (yes, Will is all of that) Intelligence officer. Do you have a favorite sea film? And why? Titanic. For one scene alone. The hot, car-below-decks scene. Where Jack and whatever her name is, get it on. That palm slapped flat against a steamed up window pane? Iconic! A favourite fish recipe to share? No gross! Haven’t touched fish since I found out microscopic worms live on their scales. Gross! Gross! And, what kind of creature watches you while you eat it? Jesus, those eyes. Unnatural. Then there are the bones--nasty choking ambush. Bottom line, would you put a grenade in your mouth? No, so why would you go near fish? Your favourite sea-going book? Read a good few bodice-rippers about pirates, the Hornblower series (not a bodice-ripper) was compelling, Custler can do oceans, but my stand out book is Robert Lewis Stevenson's Kidnapped--a book that has it all going on, whether on land or at sea. (Must have read it a million times when I was a kid) Can you share a favourite sea-side memory? Tobago. Capsizing a sailing dinghy in the surf (suffering a concussion, plus damn near breaking a finger in the process). And, some clever dick shouting ‘I thought all Brits could sail’ as I staggered back along the beach. Needless to say, I damn near kneed him one. There is nothing dignified about being 6 months pregnant in a bikini, and looking like a coughed-up fur ball. Yeah, that was me--fat and furious! Most memorable sea-going journey? Jumping overboard at Henley Royal Regatta, 'cos my * date * was easily the most boring man I had ever met, and I couldn’t tolerate his company a moment longer. My only regret: trashing an extraordinaryly expensive frock, and ruining a vintage pair of lace stiletto heels. (The River Thames flows into the sea, so this does qualify as a sea-going journey—albeit, a short one.) And in turn, I nominate: Alison Lodge ('cos she does the most gorgeous Pinterest boards) Lindsay J Prior ('cos she does the most delectable vamps & lycans) Aurelia B. Rowl ('cos she always busy) Toni Kenyon ('cos she's interesting) Jane Linfoot ('cos she's always out and about) Ellis Vidler ('cos she's spontaneous) Michelle Smart ('cos she's Yikes, some time ago She Who Must Be Obeyed, aka Lady Fury, nominated me for a Liebster Blog Award. Naturally, I braced, then figured, what the hell. The rules are easy: * Display the Liebster logo and link back to the person nominating you. * Answer the 10 questions posed. * Pose 10 new questions of your own. * Nominate some recipients of to likewise receive a Liebster Award. Lady Fury's 10 Questions:
Which fictional character would you most fancy having a fling with and why? Call me a tart, but there are so, so many: Acheron (from Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Dark Hunter series, oh, and Nick Gautier from the same, are right up there. Then there’s Wrath from J R Ward’s Black Dagger Brotherhood, oh, and Shehanne Moore’s Black Wolf from His Judas Bride, and Bernard Cornwall's Sharp, and all the Ghost Walker men (Christine Feehan) and, and, and—ok, I’m not just a tart, I’m an easy tart. And the why? Well, aside from being hot, they are rough diamonds, hard as all hell and all utter bastards who make me laugh. You’ve been shipwrecked on a desert island, what book can’t you be without? The entire works of Sherrilyn Kenyon bound up if one thick, fat, tome. That should keep me out of trouble. What inspires you? Places or people? Places. People scare me. Soooo unpredictable. What little tome are you working on right now? Hard to Chase: a honey-pot romp with a sinister edge involving biological weaponry. Who would you like to see in the movie version? Someone with Ian Somerhalder's eyes, Will Smith’s body, Josh Holloway’s snarl, Gregory Peck’s stature/intensity…guess that’s Frankenstein’s monster then. In your own books do you have a favourite character and why? Nah, no favourites. I’m flighty by nature. What do you think is the best book movie? To Kill a Mocking Bird (damn that film is good) Roughly how long does it take you to write a book? When I’m in the zone, about 5 weeks, but then it’s all about the editing. If I’m not in the zone, I can spend months staring into space. Favourite food? Raspberry Crème Brûlée Any bits in your book you are embarrassed to show your family? I’m not the one who’s embarrassed, they are! Which makes for some hilarious, spontaneous out-loud readings by me. And my 10 questions are: 1. Jeans or skirt? Why? 2. If you were a vegetable, what would you be? Why? 3. Banana or apple? Why? 4. By the sea or up a mountain? Why? 5. You’re writing a highly erotic novel—what would your pen name be? 6. What is your favourite romance genre? To read? To write? 7. How difficult do you find it to name your characters? Share some examples. 8. Which writing rule would you most like to break? Why? 9. Duvet or traditional sheets + blanket? Why? 10. Insert the opening paragraph of your current WIP. And I nominate: Aimee Duffy Lindsay J Prior Fiona Chapman Rae Rivers Avery Flynn Ashlee Mallory
Favourite song with summer in the title or the lyrics (give the line): School’s Out (for Summer) – Alice Cooper. This song never fails to invoke memories of passionate rebellion, the details of which must forever remain hidden. Favourite book about summer: Any holiday brochure covering the luxuary end of the market--admitedly not strictly a book, but if the weather is all I remember about a story, then I sure as hell didn't enjoyed reading it. Favourite hot summer film: Ice Cold in Alex Favourite summer memory: Though I could outrun, out climb and out punch most boys, I will forever relish the satisfaction of donning a bikini (aged 14) to prove (contrary to popular opinion), that I was indeed female and had the 'assets' to prove it. Oh, and making tar babies--you know, when its so hot the tarmac bubbles and oozes and you get to roll the resulting thick black gloop into marble shapes and stick them together. I made entire tribes and never once went down with flu. Favourite summer holiday destination: South of France, every time! What books will be in your suitcase this summer? As an impulse buyer, you’re guess is as good as mine, but my summer will be complete should I stumble across a series containing a minimum of eight smoking hot reads. (Recommendations welcome by the way--I've exhausted, J R Ward, Sherrilyn Kenyon, Christine Feehan, Lara Adrian and Stephanie Laurens' Cynster series). BUT Shehanne Moore's His Judas Bride will most certainly head the list if it's available. What’s your likely destination this summer? In truth…the back garden (subject to a full and thorough eviction of the slow-worms) What hottie would you most like to be sharing the hot days and long nights with his summer? Well, Josh Holloway is just plumb tired out, and Ian Somerholder has other distractions, so I'm easy, as long as he possesses the following levels of hotness: There that was relatively painless (though I sure would like to know how I managed to erase spell check from this programme). To my fellow nominees, rules of the award are as follows:
1. Display Summer Sun Award logo and link back to the blog of the person who nominated you. 2. Answer the questions as listed above. 3. Nominate a further lucky eight receipients (one for each sunray on the picture. Good Luck! Shehanne Moore Jessica Baker Meg McNulty JM Stewart Aurelia B Rowl Alison Lodge Louise Rose-Innes Fiona Chapman Me, sunny? I don’t think so. Overcast with the threat of violent storms would be more accurate. So imagine my surprise (sunny moment) on being nominated not just once, but twice, for a Sunshine Award. Break out the bunting, candy floss and carousel rides for authors, Shehanne Moore and Lindsay J Pryor, by way of thank you. (Shey, you can be the Fortune Teller cos you spin a fine tale and Lindsay, you can run the bar. Bloody Marys on the house for your vamps. Sorry, but I get to be in charge of the shooting gallery.) So what’s a Sunshine Award? Tis a pretty e-flower. One, a fine blogger hands to another deemed to ‘positively and creatively inspire others in blogosphere’. In return, by way of acceptance speech, the recipient 1. Thanks the nominee(s) 2. Completes a Q&A session (see below) 3. Passes forward the baton to 10-12 fellow bloggers meriting recognition. So here goes: Favourite Colour? Black and white (not strictly colours so I get two) Favourite Animal? Anything that doesn’t bite, scratch, poison, eat, kick, swim, slither, carry the plague, run up vet bills, escape…and break your heart by up and dying on you. Not that I don't love animals, I truly do. Even opened my own zoo and have cages waiting for the following specimans whilst always on the hunt for more. (And yes, they do get to run around and enjoy their freedom...a lot.) Favourite Number? 2 and because I like to double everything, 4. (2x2=4) I tap things 4 times for luck and only ever use cubical 2 or 4 when using a public loo. I'm not strange, just cautious. Favourite Non-alcoholic Drink? Handsdown Coke, ‘the real thing’, or Pimms (the cucumber, mint and fruit render it alcohol free and good for you. Trust me on this, been eating Pimms for years. Facebook or Twitter? Pinterest (I never could follow rules or colour inside the lines) Your Passion? Apart from my Zoo, BANTER. Verbal or written, listening or participating, the more outrageous the better...Oh, and world peace :) Giving or getting presents? Giving, definitely giving. Receiving embarrasses me, although donations to Black's Zoo are always welcome. Favourite Day? Always today. (Not a fan of yesterdays, and who knows what the hell tomorrow will bring.) Favourite Flowers? Peonies for those rare moments of refinement and Anemonies for the down and dirty.
Hard Men the Hard Way
November 2017
Photo used under Creative Commons from LetTheCardsFall