I agree! Though my current hero appears to have hidden his motivations somewhere...
Incy Black
7/29/2013 01:33:46 am
Ouch - new discoveries. Thanks Alison, I'm not familiar with those and I'm on a mission to find new series which will (keep me from my bloody writing) xx 7/29/2013 09:40:22 am
Ince! I am stunned that a certain Lady Fury is on your list. So stunned I can't think of other bitches and bastards right now. This is a great post though, even if you hadn't chosen her. I like that you exalt these alphas an even these anti hero alphas. Personally I love a damaged bastard and I can't write nice guys. And I love that your choices are still ...saved but still imperfect
Incy Black
7/29/2013 09:26:43 pm
Shey, Lady Fury earned her place! Flint too, and I'm damn certain The Wolf is going to feature too. xx 7/30/2013 01:22:50 am
lol...well he is plenty tortured and he is a plentiful posturer... and he is plenty ruthless too. Comments are closed.
Hard Men the Hard Way
November 2017