A question oft posed of authors: What kick started your desire to write? A safe question. A great question. It never grows tired. We all want to know. But, having been through the publishing wringer (mangle), it occurs to me the more pertinent question is: What keeps you going? Because writing is hard--the opinion of your peers and the reading public-at-large is harder still--and the continuing road to publication can be brutal, with self-doubt and cynicism (certainly, my two constant companions) always bickering. So what keeps me going? Frankly, I'm fucked if I know for certain, but my need to read--near on a bankrupting addiction--ranks right up there, and I'm unapologetically evangelical in my conviction that reading is the answer to...'World Peace'. (Not really, but how else to explain something which has always provided me with exquisite pleasure.) And, so begins another of my blog series: Fire Starters
Hard Men the Hard Way
November 2017
Photo used under Creative Commons from LetTheCardsFall