![]() I’ve done it, occasionally still do it—shoot from the hip that is. I would love to be able to claim I’ve learned how to curb my unchecked impulses, but can’t, because I’m human, so far from perfect it’s laughable. I’m also prone to react like a firework on a short fuse—KABOOM! Further ‘alsos' by way of warning, include: my loathing for being told what to do, or what to think, and scare tactics—that sanctimonious advice (steely threats in a velvet glove) handed out on how writers should manage their on line presence for fear of putting their writing careers at risk. Well, I exercised extraordinary restraint on the issue of trademarking generic words (cockygate etc), and book stuffing (grrrrr), but this pious lecturing about the dos and don’ts for authors reviewing books? DOUBLE KABOOM! Why, as an author, is it bad form to leave a less than 4* or 5* book review? What happened to respecting honest opinion? Sure, I’m lucky enough to have been published, but I sure as hell don’t remember abdicating my rights as a reader in exchange for that privilege. I pay for the books I read. And I do read. A lot. Sometimes I’m even moved to share my opinion of a particular book, good, or not so good, with a review. Don’t silence me with half-arsed advisories on etiquette for writers. Don’t silence me with idle threats of career suicide should I choose to disregard the apparent ‘special snowflake’ status of writers. I’m not advocating being nasty, I don’t hold with the deliberate sabotage of another writer’s work by getting clicky with the 1* and 2*s, because both stink. What I do defend is the right of an author who reads to hold (and share, if so inclined) an honest point of view free from threat, because no matter how small or ridiculous said threat, people, that is akin to bullying. Following on (fast) from yesterday's shoutout for Lindsay J Pryor's Haven, here's my review to dispel all hesitation: Rich in intrigue, and twists and turns, Haven is a dark, dark PNR/urban fantasy novel of the first class. The world building is superb, so too, the action scenes—the frustration, despair and violence, scarily bold and graphic on the page. Ember (heroine) steals the show. Here’s one woman who stands tall and brave in her own quiet way. Sure, she’ll appear to concede (when it suits her), but her intelligence always keeps her steps ahead of those who would do her, or those she cares about, harm. With Ember it's not her physical actions you have to watch, it’s her mind! Nate (hero) is a perfect foil for her, bringing to the fore as he does, her vulnerability. Nate’s not quite an anti-hero, but he’s pretty damn close, and umpteen times you will wonder how these two will ever arrive at the HEA they both deserve—big time. No comment on the plot because of spoilers, but in a word, DEVIOUS. So aside from the writing, the plot, the characters, what else raises Haven very much above the average? Well the politics, the social injustice, the raw indignation at how corruption triumphs—fact of life. But amid all that bleak there exists integrity and loyalty and love, keeping hope strong. Recommended. And thank you Lindsay for a fabulous read. Buy Links for Haven: A Lowtown Novel iBooks Waterstones Amazon UK KOBO Amazon US (for eBook) Amazon US (for paperback) Amazon Amazon ANZ Barnes and Noble Indigo Today, following in the footsteps of her fabulous Blackthorn series, Lindsay J Pryor brings her latest offering HAVEN. Still urban fantasy, still echoing the world of Blackthorn, but a new stand alone title introducing new characters. Haven hit my kindle last night, I can’t wait to crack open the pages—or whatever the equivalent is for an e-reader—in the meantime, here’s all you need to know about this eagerly awaited new release from Ms Prior, which promises to be as delicious as her earlier titles. ![]() HAVEN – A Lowtown Novel A spin-off from the bestselling Blackthorn series by Lindsay J. Pryor, set in Lowtown, the neighbouring district to Blackthorn. The product of a brutal class system, the dark, gritty world of Lowtown will grip you and never let you go. Every few days the handsome stranger comes into the café in Lowtown for an hour a time. Most of the time he keeps himself to himself - one drink and he leaves. Sometimes people meet with him but about what remains elusive, the edge of mystery and danger adding to his allure. Not that Ember is allowed to think about him. She's finally on the cusp of gaining her citizenship and escaping Lowtown for good, so she can't be seen to be involved with a vampire - evidence of one single bite would be the end of her prospects. But when those prospects are rocked by her links to the district's dark underbelly, the stranger she must avoid could be her absolution - and she could be his . . . Reception so far: ![]() Lindsay J. Pryor is the author of the Amazon bestselling BLACKTHORN series, her dark, complex and gritty urban paranormal romances having achieved numerous Gothic and PNR number ones in both the UK and the US. LOWTOWN, a spin-off from the Blackthorn world, is her upcoming urban fantasy series of standalone books. Quickly deciding that fantasy was more interesting than reality, Lindsay has been creating stories since she was nine years old. She holds a BSc (Hons) degree in Psychology and Communication and is a qualified Psychology lecturer and English teacher. She taught for eighteen years before becoming a full-time author. Lindsay was born and grew up in Wales and now lives in South West England with her husband, their rescue bunny and a plethora of wild woodland creatures. BLACKTHORN is published by Bookouture. Her LOWTOWN novels are being published by Piatkus (Little, Brown Book Group). To find out more about Lindsay and her books, please visit her: Website - Facebook - Twitter - Pinterest - Instagram - Buy Links for Haven: A Lowtown Novel iBooks Waterstones Amazon UK KOBO Amazon US (for eBook) Amazon US (for paperback) Amazon Amazon ANZ Barnes and Noble Indigo ![]() July 31st, a must-do date for your diary, the must-do being to download Losing Game, the second title in Tracie Delaney's fabulous Winning Ace Series. Yes, the trials and tribulations of Tally and Cash continue--exercise your throat now, cos that's where your heart is going to spend much of its time, but trust me the sensation is worth it. Haven't yet read book one, Winning Ace? Ye Gads, poor you. You can rectify that here. What happens in Losing Game? This: Cash and Tally return in Losing Game, the second novel in The Winning Ace Series Can love overcome betrayal—or are some things broken beyond repair? Too hurt to look into who might have sent photos of Cash Gallagher kissing another woman, Tally McKenzie flees to a secret hideout in Brighton and tries to forget her lover. Stubborn to the last, Cash tracks Tally down and wins her back by confessing his darkest secret. Now he can only hope his demons don’t become headline news and threaten his role as the reigning bad boy of centre court. Can Cash and Tally's deepening relationship survive all the challenges, or is the hot tennis ace about to discover that the prospect of losing his precious career is the least of his woes?
Excerpt: Greek Millionaire, Unruly Wife
Chapter 1 “I’ll take that one.” “The green gown, Monsieur Leonadis?” “No, the model.” The man chuckled. “The model’s not for sale, monsieur.” “You wanna bet?” Michalis Leonadis loosened his tie, lifted an arrogant eyebrow at the sales manager of the Haute Couture show in Paris, and geared up for battle...not with the manager but...with her. Tracking the model every step with his slitted gaze, he slipped a hand inside the pocket of his jacket and extracted a card, then a pen. Julia, strutting down the runway and steaming up the ballroom in the Hôtel de Crillon had cost him a marriage, and a billion dollars in a Tokyo deal gone belly-up. As if that hadn’t been enough, his head of security informed him she’d recently given-- Applause broke out, splintering his thoughts, and spiking his fury...his passion. For revenge. She’d ripped his heart out. Shredded his pride. Cost him. Her untimely exit had rocked his sphere and his bank account. She nearly bankrupted him. He’d put everything on hold to search for her, and to clean up the legal mess his uncle’s amour had created when she’d charmed... er... scammed the old guy into signing half the Leonadis fortune to her and ultimately her heir. The fortune Michalis had slaved over years to amass. He set his jaw, batted that distraction from his mind, and turned his laser sharp eyes back to the supermodel, his present dilemma. When he found out Julia had been living it up in Paris, he’d shut her out, and scrambled to salvage his business and stay afloat— he’d waste no more time on her. He was better off without her. A spike lodged in his aorta, but he ignored the sting. He clamped his teeth, his breath rumbling in his chest and escaping through his nose in a hostile sound. How dare she keep that a secret from him? Cold, calculating bi—the expletive stinging his tongue was smothered by shouts of “Brava!” from the audience. He scrawled a message on his business card, adrenaline pumping him to action. She’d definitely pay. He curled his lip. His way. Michalis slapped the card in the man’s hand. “Make sure she gets it.” The man glanced at the bold insignia of the Leonadis Cruise Line on the card and inclined his head. “Oui, Monsieur Leonadis.” Michalis tuned him out. He liked things simple. She’d been anything but.
![]() About Shehanne Moore When not cuddling inn signs in her beloved Scottish mountains alongside Mr Shey, Shehanne Moore writes dark and smexy historical romance, featuring bad boys who need a bad girl to sort them out. She firmly believes everyone deserves a little love, forgiveness and a second chance in life. Shehanne caused general apoplexy when she penned her first story, The Hore House Mystery—aged seven. What didn’t she work at while pursuing her dream of becoming a published author? Visit her hamster run blog What hasn’t she worked at while pursuing her dream of becoming a published author? Shehanne still lives in Scotland, with her husband Mr Shey. She has two daughters. When not writing intriguing historical romance, where goals and desires of sassy, unconventional heroines and ruthless men, mean worlds collide, she plays the odd musical instrument and loves what in any other country, would not be defined, as hill-walking. The Writer and The Rake: get it here Amazon UK Amazon US Amazon AUS Amazon Canada
Yes, it’s release day for Hard to Protect and that’s very exciting (scary, too), so I’m posting a few teasers to give you a flavour of what to expect from Will Berwick and Angel Treherne. But…but…but… Hard to Protect is but one of seven fabulous books Entangled Publishing release today. A shout out is merited for each and every new title. Just click on each image for details. ENJOY!
It's hellish hard getting heard. That's one of the harshest realities authors face. Especially with the wealth of good advice out there on how to get your book noticed, because so sound is that advice that we all follow it. Which only adds to the din above which it is damn hard to be heard. Some beat back defeat by throwing coin--terrific, if you have sufficient to spare. Some shout and rely on the echo effect--book blogs and tours, the support of fans and friends to spread the word via Facebook shares, re-tweets, reviews. Others network their arses off at events and in groups, both in person and on line. Newsletters fly out, slumbering blogs get awoken; it's easy to get overwhelmed by the tsunami of 'must dos'.
But does any of this fervent activity work? Well, it certainly does no harm--though cautions abound about doing too much shouting. And it's these helpful cautions that niggle me. Because what is 'too much'?Where's the line that should not be crossed? Does anyone really know what's right or wrong about about getting seen and heard? Nope, not with any certainty. When faced with a marketing opportunity note the marked hesitation and the shuffling retreat if you ask for absolute qualification of success. You won't get a answer, not a straight one anyway.
Disheartened? Don't be, it a cacophonic world out there and the melody is discordant for most. So screw any mistakes you might make, screw whether you got the volume of your shout right, screw your own lack of harmony. Be brave. Whether by way of a serene whisper or an open throated bellow, embrace the need to be heard rather than the 'right' way of making your sound, because when it comes to getting noticed one certainty does exist: Silence isn't golden, its suicide!
Hard Men the Hard Way
November 2017